As a property owner, you want to ensure that you have clear title on the property. A quiet title action can help clarify ownership of real estate in Georgia.

Whether you find the perfect piece of property to call home, establish a business, or use as an investment, a top priority is ensuring you can obtain clear title to the property. When there is a dispute, or it is unclear, as to who owns a piece of real estate, Georgia law allows a person to seek to “quiet title” to that real estate.

If you’re on either side of a property dispute in Savannah, GA, Tetreault & Associates is here to help. We understand that title law can be confusing. Give us a call today to schedule a consultation—we’ll do everything we can to get you the best results possible.

What is a Quiet Title Action?

A quiet title action is a legal proceeding intended to determine ownership of the property and eliminate any claims that someone else might have to your land. The lawsuit is designed to clear title to land and remove any clouds on the title, giving every party with a potential claim to the property an opportunity to present their evidence of ownership.

How do you determine if the title to real estate is clear?

Hiring a Savannah real estate attorney is the first step in determining whether you hold clear title to your real property. An experienced Georgia real estate lawyer will conduct a comprehensive title examination to ensure the property is free and clear of any title defects or clouds on the title.

A cloud on title causes gaps in the chain of title for real estate. The removal of this cloud on title ensures that ownership has clear title.

Three Main Reasons Why Quiet Title May Be Needed

  1. There is a break in the chain of title or some other defect on the title that can’t be resolved through title curative work.
  2. A real estate investor or home buyer purchases a property at a tax deed sale, HOA or foreclosure auction.
  3. There is a dispute over property ownership either because the transfer of title was done improperly or fraudulently, there are competing claims from lien holders, there is a boundary dispute, or there is an error in the legal description.

Contact an Experienced Savannah Real Estate Lawyer

A quiet title action may be filed for any number of reasons when there is a dispute as to ownership. Preparing for a quiet title action is a meticulous process that requires substantial research and extensive knowledge of Georgia real estate laws.

Our law firm has experience handling quiet title actions. If you need assistance, call (912) 355-9109 to schedule an appointment with our Savannah real estate lawyer.